Monday, August 10, 2015

Northeast Wisconsin deals: Week of August 9

Festival Foods

Ground chuck patties $1
Russet potatoes 5 lb. bag $1
Dole Romaine salad $1
Buddig $.50
Pillsbury brownies $1
Nestle candy bars $.50
Finger jello $1 lb.
Azteca tortillas $1
Campione garlic loaf $1
Rinaldi pasta sauce $1
6 pack muffins $1
Xtra laundry detergent $2 or 2/$3 with SS 8/9/15 mfg.
Pepsi 6 pack $2
Donuts $.50 with store limit 24 ($5 minimum non-coupon order required)
Kemp's chocolate milk $1 with store ($5 minimum non-coupon order required)
1st National bagels $1 with store ($5 minimum non-coupon order required)
Old Orchard juice $1 with store ($5 minimum non-coupon order required)
Kemp's cottage cheese $1 with store ($5 minimum non-coupon order required)
Quilted Northern 6 double roll $2 with store limit 2 ($5 minimum non-coupon order required) OR $1.45 with RP 7/26/15 mfg.
John Morrell bacon $2 with store ($5 minimum non-coupon order required)
Ortega taco shells $.98 with store ($5 minimum non-coupon order required)
Sargento shredded cheese $1.68 with store limit 3 ($5 minimum non-coupon order required)
Hormel cooked ham $3.48 lb.
Festival potato salad $1.98 lb.


Xtra detergent $1.66 or 2/$2.32 with SS 8/9/15 mfg.
Corn $.33
Cucumbers $.50
Carrots $.99

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